Ekwall, E., 1960, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-names (4th edition) (Oxford)
Smith, A.H. 1956, English Place-Name Elements 2 Vols. (Cambridge)
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
Youngs, P.A., 1979, Guide to the Local Administrative Units of England. Vol.I Southern England (London)
Kelly, E.R. 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
Bennett, F.J. and Blake, J.B., 1886, Memoirs of the Geological Survey: Bury St. Edmunds and Newmarket. BMSO (London)
Lawes Agricultural Trust, 1983, Legend for the 1:259.000 Soil Map of England and Wales, Soil Survey of England and Wales, Sheet 4 (map): Eastern England
Types of farming
Kelly, E.R., 1937, Directory of Suffolk (London)
Marshall, W., 1818, Report to Board of Agriculture Vol.III (Devon)
Rumble, A., (ed), 1986, Domesday Book, Vol.34, Suffolk (Chichester)
Thirsk, J., (ed), 1967, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, 1500- 1640, Vol.34 Suffolk (Cambridge)
Trist, P.J.O., 1971, Survey of the Agriculture of Suffolk (London)
Young, A., 1969, General View of the Agriculture of the County of Suffolk (1813) (Devon)
Tate, W.E., 1951, 'A Handlist of Suffolk Enclosure Acts and Awards' Proc. Suffolk Inst. Archaeol. Vol.XXV p.225-63
Hervey, S.8.A. (ed), 1905, Suffolk in 1674, being the Hearth Tax Returns. Suffolk Green Books No. XI Vol.13 (Woodbridge)
HMSO, Ordnance survey 1:10.000 and 1:10.560 maps
HMSO, Census Detailed Statistics (1801-1831, 1841-1871, 1881-1912). Census Abstract (London)
HMSO, 1955, Census 1951; England and Wales County Report: Suffolk (London)
HMSO, 1984, Census 1981: Ward and Civil Parish Monitor. Government Statistical Service publication (London)
Albert, W., 1972, The Turnpike Road System in England 1663-1840 (Cambridge)
HMSO, Ordnance Survey 1:10.000 and 1:10.560 maps
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Gordon, O.I., 1977, Parish Boxfiles. SRO(B) A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain Vol.V Eastern Counties Railways (Devon)
Joby, R.S., 1977, Forgotten Railways: East Anglia (London)
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum 1977- 1988, Airfield. (typescript) SRO(B)
Bowyer, M.J.F., 1979, Action Stations: Wartime Military airfields of East Anglia 1939-1945 (Cambridge)
Freeman, R.A., 1978, Airfields of the Eighth Then and Now (London)
Arnott, W.G., 1952, Alde Estuary (Ipswich)
Arnott, W.G., 1954, Orwell Estuary (Ipswich)
Baker, G., 1924, Waveney (London)
Edwards, R., 1982, The River Stour (Lavenham)
Summers, D., 1973, The History of a River Navigation: The Great Ouse (Devon)
Turner, J., 1954, Rivers of East Anglia (London)
Weston, D.E., 1979, River Lark Navigation (typescript) SRO(B)
Anon, 1903, 'The Conditions of the Archdeaconries of.Suffolk and Sudbury in the year 1603'. Proc. Suffolk Inst. Archaeol. Vol. XI p.1
Dymond, D.P., 1966, 'Suffolk and the Compton Census of 1676'. Suffolk Review Vol. III p.103
Hervey, S.A.H.(ed}, 1906, Suffolk in 1327, being a Subsidy Return. Suffolk Green Book No. IX Vol. II (Woodbridge)
Hervey, S.A.B. (ed), 1910, Suffolk in 1524, being a return for a Subsidy Granted in 1523. Suffolk Green Books: No. X (Woodbridge)
Hervey, S.A.H.(ed), 1905, Suffolk in 1674, being the Hearth Tax Returns. Suffolk Green Books No. XI Vol.13 (Woodbridge)
HMSO, 1984, Census 1981: Ward and Civil Parish Monitor. Government Statistical Service publication (London)
Northeast, P. The Population of Suffolk: Parish by Parish: Compiled from the Government Census Returns 1801-1971 (Typescript) SRO (B)
Jessopp, Rev.or., 1888, 'The Conditions of the Archdeaconries of Suffolk and Sudbury in the year 1603'. Proc.Suffolk Inst. Archaeol. Vol.VI p.361
Page, w., (ed), 1911, 'Domesday Book'. The Victoria History of the County of Suffolk Vol.I (London)
Rumble, A., (ed), 1986, Domesday Book, Vol.34: Suffolk. 2 volumes (Chichester)
Report on Ecclesiastical Revenues of England and Wales. Brit.Parliam.Pap. XXII 1835
Local Histories relevant to individual parishes SRO(B)
Anon, 1817 , Ecclesiastical Taxation of Pope Nicholas 1291. Record Commissioners publication Vol.III
Anon, 1817, Valor Ecclesiasticus 1535. Record Commissioners publication Vol.III
Hervey, S.A.B.(ed),1905, Suffolk in 1674, being the Hearth Tax Returns. Suffolk Green Books No.XI Vol.13 (Woodbridge)
Hudson, Rev.w., circa 1908, 'The Norwich Taxation of 1254 so far as it relates to the Diocese of Norwich'. Norfolk and Norwich Archaeol.Soc. Vol.XVII p.46
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
The Ely Diocesan Calendars and Clergy Lists 1873-1901 St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Calendars and Clergy Lists 1915-1986
Bryant, T.B., 1912, County Churches: Suffolk. 2 volumes (London)
Cautley, H.Munro, 1982, Suffolk Churches and their Treasures (5th edition) (Woodbridge)
Pevsner, N., 1974, Buildings of England: Suffolk (2nd edition) (London)
White, Rev. C.H.E., 1886, 'Journal of William Dowsing, Parliamentary Visitor appointed to Demolish Church Ornaments etc., in Suffolk 1643-1644' Pree.Suffolk Inst.Archaeol. Vol.VI p.236
Nonconformlty etc.
Local Histories relevant to individual parishes SRO(B} Extracts from Bishops Visitation Books (1569/93, 1606/1611/1627) SRO(B)
Anon, 1868, Account of the Meeting Houses, Burial Grounds and other Estates Belonging to the Society of Friends (2nd edition) (Ipswich)
Anon, 1903, 'The Conditions of the Archdeaconries of Suffolk and Sudbury in the year 1603'. Proc. Suffolk Inst. Archaeol. Vol. XI p.1
Duncan, J., 1957-1964, Suffolk Free Church History Vols. I-III (typescript) SRO(B)
Duncan, J., 1957-1966, Suffolk Nonconformist Ministers (typescript) SRO(B)
Dymond, D.P., 1966, 'Suffolk and the Compton Census of 1676'. Suffolk Review Vol. III p.103
Green, A.J., 1850, Popery as it was and ls: The Suffolk Martyrs (Sudbury)
Holmes, c., (ed), 1970, The Suffolk Committees for Scandalous Ministers 1644- 1646. Suffolk Record Soc. Vol. XIII (Ipswich)
Hosken, T.J., 1920, History of Congregationalism in Suffolk (Ipswich)
Jessopp, Rev. Dr., 1888, 'The Conditions of the Archdeaconries of Suffolk and Sudbury in the year 1603'. Proc. Suffolk Inst. Archaeol. Vol.VI p.361
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
Redstone, V.B., 1912, Record of Protestant Dissenters in Suffolk (Woodbridge)
Tanner, N.P., 1977, Norwich Heresy Trials 1428-1431 (London)
White, W., 1844,1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Williams, J.F. (ed), 1946, Bishop Redman's Visitation 1597. Norfolk Record Soc. Vol. XVIII (London)
Other religious institutions
Knowles, D. and Hadcock, R.N., 1971, Medieval Religious Houses: England and Wales (Bristol)
Messent, C.J.W., 1934, The Monastic Remains of Norfolk and Suffolk (Norwich)
Page, W., (ed), 1907, The Victoria History of the County of Suffolk Vol. II (London)
Copinger, W.A., 1909-1911, Manors of Suffolk. 7 vols. (London)
Gage, J., 1838, The History and Antiquities of Suffolk: Thingoe Hundred {London)
Rumble, A., (ed), 1986, Domesday Book, Vol.34: Suffolk. 2 volumes (Chichester)
Suckling, Rev. A., 1846, The History and Antiquities of the County of Suffolk. 2 volumes (London)
Local Histories relevant to individual parishes. SRO(B)
Royal Commission of Market Rights and Tolls. Brit. Parliam. Pap. LIII 1888
Blome, R., 1673, Britannia (London)
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
Scarfe, N., 1965-1970, 'Markets and Fairs in Medieval Suffolk'. Suffolk Review Vol.III No.I p.4
Scarfe, N., 1965-1970, 'Markets and Fairs in Seventeenth-century Suffolk'. Suffolk Review Vol.III No.2 p.11
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Real property and Land Ownership
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Resident gentry
Blome, R., 1673, Brittania (London)
Copinger, W.A., 1909-1911, Manors of Suffolk. 7 vols. (London)
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
Page, A., 1844, Supplement to the Suffolk Traveller (Ipswich/London)
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Local Histories relevant to individual parishes SRO(B) Parish boxfiles. SRO(B)
HMSO, Census Detailed Statistics 1801-1831. Census Abstracts (London)
Kelly, E.R., 1912 Directory of Suffolk (London)
Serjeant, W.R. and R.K. (ed), 1979-1980, Index of Probate Records: Court of Archdeacon of Sudbury 1354-1700. Brit. Record Soc. (Oxford)
Serjeant, W.R. and R.K. (ed), 1979-1980, Index of Probate Records: Court of Archdeacon of Suffolk 1444-1700. Brit. Record Soc. (Oxford)
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Abstract of Education Returns 1835. Brit.Parliam. Pap.XLI
Local Histories relevant to individual parishes SRO(B) Parish boxfiles SRO(B)
Select Committee on Education of the Poor 1819. Brit.Parliam.Pap.IX
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Poor relief
Abstract of the Returns made by the Overseers of the Poor. Sessional Papers Vol.31 (1777)
Management and Relief of the Poor. Brit.Parliam. Pap. XLVII 1835
Select Committee of Poor Rate Returns. Brit. Parliam.Pap. XIII 1803/4
Select Committee of Poor Rate Returns. Brit. Parliam.Pap.XIX 1818
Anon, 1840, The Charities in the County of Suffolk (London)
Anon, 1895, An Account of the Endowed Charities in West Suffolk (Ipswich)
Other institutions:
Local Histories relevant to individual parishes SRO(B) Parish boxfiles. SRO(B)
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Local Histories relevant to individual parishes SRO(B) Parish boxfiles. SRO(B)
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
Thompson, L.P., 1946, Old Inns of Suffolk (Ipswich)
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Individual biographies (see forms where applicable) Local Histories relevant to individual parishes. SRO(B) Parish boxfiles. SRO(B)
Anon, 1820, The Lives of Eminent and Remarkable Characters of Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk (London)
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)
Other information
Local Histories relevant to individual parishes. SRO(B) Parish boxfiles. SRO(B)
Barker, R.R., 1907-1909, Suffolk Illustrated (East and West Suffolk) {Bury St. Edmunds)
Beresford, M., 1954, The Lost Villages of England (London)
Copinger, W.A., 1909- 1911, Manors of Suffolk. 7 vols. (London)
Dymond, D. and Northeast, P., 1985 A History of Suffolk (Oxford)
Gage, J., 1838, The History and Antiquities of Suffolk: Thingoe Hundred (London)
Hobsbawn, E.J. and Rude, G., 1969, Captain Swing (Surrey)
Jones, D., 1976, 'Thomas Campbell Foster and the rural labourer: incendiarism in East Anglia in the 1840s. Soc. History 2nd edition p.5
Kelly, E.R., 1912, Directory of Suffolk (London)
Kenworthy-Browne and Reid. P, (eds) , 1981, Burke's and Savills Guide to County Houses Vol.III East Anglia (London)
Page, w., (ed), 1907/11, The Victoria History of the County of Suffolk. 2 Volumes, (London)
Pevsner, N., 1974, Buildings of England: Suffolk (2nd edition) (London)
Scarfe, N., 1972, Suffolk Landscape (London)
Suckling,. Rev. A., 1846, The History and Antiquities of the County of Suffolk 2 volumes (London)
Suffolk Archaeol. Unit, Sites and Monuments Record
White, W., 1844, 1891, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Suffolk (Sheffield)